Madame M. & W.'s Guestbook

This is the guestbook of Madame M. & W.'s Swinger Wife Photo Blog

 All Guestbook Entries 

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flag as inappropriate sr19782002    Aug. 20, 2021
VCity Userpic

Hope all is well with you! Miss seeing your photo contributions here! Hot, naked German women like you really turn me on! Take Care, and hope you can return to the site one day! Love you Madame M!
Shawn (sr19782002

flag as inappropriate pein    May 16, 2021
VCity Userpic

Long time since we heard from you last time. I hope everything is ok. I miss your fantastic contributions to this site!

flag as inappropriate rahul dev    April 2, 2020
VCity Userpic

hi Madame
hope you all are safe during these difficult times.
take care.

flag as inappropriate DirtyMelisa    Sept. 5, 2019
VCity Userpic

Hi ! Looking for hook up with a stranger. Ready for any experiments. Write me here -

flag as inappropriate Brazilian Boy    Feb. 26, 2019
VCity Userpic

i miss you madame!! write me please!!!

flag as inappropriate Sexxxy Hooker.    Feb. 9, 2019

Thank you for the licks! We have missed your SEXXXY post!

flag as inappropriate verwoehn    Dec. 5, 2018
VCity Userpic

Hammergeiles Profil - wie ich mir wünsche, Deine scharfen Megatitten ordentlich ins Wanken zu bringen

flag as inappropriate marabu    Sept. 26, 2018
VCity Userpic

One of the best couple with the best photos on this site

Kiss M and F:-)))

flag as inappropriate Onthot1    Sept. 22, 2018

Love your profile and pics. Thank you for following Madame M.

flag as inappropriate Brazilian Boy    June 13, 2018
VCity Userpic

where are you Madame??? i miss you so much!! kisses

flag as inappropriate Hank Pivnik    May 23, 2018

Where have you been, classy lady? I miss you so very much!!

flag as inappropriate Sexxxy Hooker.    May 11, 2018

Miss you! Hope all is well!

flag as inappropriate H.H.D.    April 20, 2018
VCity Userpic

Wanting to say hello, hope you are having fun.

flag as inappropriate joecool    April 15, 2018

Schon länger nichts mehr von euch gesehen, schade!
Seid ihr hier noch aktiv?
Würde mich über ein paar neue Bilder eurer erotischen Abenteuer sehr freuen.

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Feb. 2, 2018
VCity Userpic

Thinking of you

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 3, 2018
VCity Userpic

At Febuary 11. we´ll fly to Costa Rica and Guatemala.......

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Feb. 22, 2018
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Hope you enjoy

 Madame M.    March 6, 2018
VCity Userpic

We did.
Every day.
Now we are back home.

flag as inappropriate H.H.D.    March 6, 2018
VCity Userpic

Missed you , so much has happened.

flag as inappropriate joecool    Jan. 24, 2018

Vermisse euch!
Bin schon ganz gespannt auf euren party4four contri :-)

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 26, 2018
VCity Userpic

Das contri ist schon lange erschienen.,

flag as inappropriate joecool    Feb. 3, 2018

Kann ich leider nicht sehen.
Müsste ich wohl wieder VResident werden.
Dafür ist mir Voyeurweb leider momentan zu instabil.

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 3, 2018
VCity Userpic

Es ist gerade schwierig hier.
Aber immer noch anmachend!

flag as inappropriate Coup212    Jan. 13, 2018

Thank you for giving us a lick- we are following you!

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 14, 2018
VCity Userpic

And we like to follow you in Your erotic life!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Dec. 31, 2017
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Happy New Year
Beautiful people

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 2, 2018
VCity Userpic

The same to you!
Thank You!!

flag as inappropriate CuriousHornyCouple    Dec. 9, 2017

Saw your recent post on the message board. We were friends with ShySexyFitMilf and they left because they felt the same way. I hope VC responds to your concerns.

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 9, 2017
VCity Userpic

They can not make big promises and do nothing!
Infact it´s not a problem of the money.
It´s a problem of the promises!Thank You for understanding us.

flag as inappropriate URANOS: I like Erotic    Dec. 8, 2017
VCity Userpic

Hallo Madam M,
ich hab Euren Blog heute entdeckt und bin begeistert. Margit gefällt mir sehr. Ich folge Euch ab jetzt. Hab ich außer den virtuellen Freuden auch noch Chancen auf reale? Ich bin 61 noch sehr gut drauf. Verheiratet, real unterversorgt, aber solo und virtuell sehr gut unterwegs. Also real eine echte Chance, da swingermäßig ohne Erfahrung.
LG Uranus (Bayern Nürnberger Raum)

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 8, 2017
VCity Userpic

Danke für Deine Zuschrift.
Schick uns doch einfach mal etwas von Dir,mit Bildern und Vorstellungen von Dir:

flag as inappropriate alfons    Dec. 8, 2017
VCity Userpic

Would love to send what you asked for but if you could see my blog I think that would tell you why no. Always happy to talk about her and what she does to me if it helps with my reply.

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 8, 2017
VCity Userpic

Thank You,to know You better!

flag as inappropriate joecool    Nov. 20, 2017

Brilante ourdoor-Bilder!
Freue mich jedes Mal über eure neuen postings :-)

 Madame M. & W.    Nov. 21, 2017
VCity Userpic

Danke für die Rosen!

flag as inappropriate ol dog    Nov. 8, 2017

Thanks for the follow! Love seeing your magical adventures !!

flag as inappropriate Danothemano    Oct. 10, 2017
VCity Userpic

Ich spreche schlecht Deutsch ..... Leider lebe ich in Südkalifornien an der Küste. Ansonsten würde ich gerne nackt mit dir am Strand (oder anderswo) spielen. Ich war vor ein paar Jahren in Stuttgart, kurz bevor ich mit dem Zug nach Tübingen ging - beides schöne Städte.

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 10, 2017
VCity Userpic

Du schreibst sehr gut Deutsch!
Vielleicht treibt es Dich wieder mal nach Stuttgart.
Dann würden wir Dir hier schöne Ort zeigen.
Wir sind öfters in der Karibik,oder Guatemala,oder Costa Rica.
Vielleicht kreuzen sich einmal real unsere Wege.

flag as inappropriate Danothemano    Oct. 9, 2017
VCity Userpic

Danke vielmals! Und du hast einen sehr schönen Arsch!! Ich wünschte, ich wohne in Bayern und wir konnten zusammen am Strand (oder irgendwo anders) spielen.

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 9, 2017
VCity Userpic

Du lebst in Bayern.
Wir leben bei Stuttgart.
Da gibt es vielleicht Möglichkeiten ......

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 9, 2017
VCity Userpic

Wir dachten Du lebst in Kalifornien und bist ein Paar!
Du scheinst interessant und flexibel zu sein.

flag as inappropriate Danothemano    Oct. 6, 2017
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I accept your "invitation"!

 Madame M.    Oct. 6, 2017
VCity Userpic

I think You are a attractiv man and Your welcome!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Sept. 3, 2017
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Hi, I am in Bremen for three days, having great fun and enjoying the city.

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 3, 2017
VCity Userpic

The north of Germany!
Do You have erotic dates there?

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Sept. 3, 2017
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Yes, I am with a lovely eccentric woman.

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 3, 2017
VCity Userpic

Very good!
For both of You!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Sept. 3, 2017
VCity Userpic

Yes this is my first time with her.

flag as inappropriate ud    Aug. 31, 2017

Your blog here is the most interesting one on the site. You do so many brave, sexy and wonderful things, I love following you on your journey.

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 1, 2017
VCity Userpic

Come and follow us!
Life can be very erotic!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 23, 2017
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Wanted to say hello, hope you both are having fun.

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 23, 2017
VCity Userpic

Just Yesterday we had a very hot threesome in the outdoors!
Grat fun for all 3!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 23, 2017
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Yes sex outdoors is wonderful, today I will be with many beautiful ladies on a high rise penthouse in New York city.

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 23, 2017
VCity Userpic

Tell us,what,s happening!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 23, 2017
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I can only say I am with several lovely women and we are sharing euphoric pleasure.

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 29, 2017
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I am meeting a young lady I met here on vcity tomorrow , then I will be in England,France and Germany for two weeks. Hope you are enjoying.

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 30, 2017
VCity Userpic

You have full program with erotic highlights!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 18, 2017
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Hi thanks for the follow I've returned in kind looking forward to enjoying your blog and chatting

 Madame M.    Aug. 19, 2017
VCity Userpic

I prefer the big ones!

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 19, 2017
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Its possible that I might be beyond big, but I'd share it with you anytime

 Madame M.    Aug. 19, 2017
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 Madame M.    Aug. 19, 2017
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You are living everywhere?

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 19, 2017
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I'm traveling about two weeks each month, sharing my cock and enjoying.

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 19, 2017
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We are living in Germany....
In October we´ll be at Crete in Greece.

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 19, 2017
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I'm from Palermo Sicily, now living in the USA, been to Frankfurt but only for two days.

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 20, 2017
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We are living near Stuttgart 1 1/2 hour fom the aiport of Frankfurt.

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 20, 2017
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I hope that I'll have a chance to spend more time in Germany.

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 20, 2017
VCity Userpic

I'm sorry, I don't have private messaging because I'm not a full rei sident. I did receive yours. I'm not allowed to send or post pictures because of several contracts I am bound to.

 Madame M.    Aug. 20, 2017
VCity Userpic

Very mystrious man.

flag as inappropriate horsehungdego    Aug. 20, 2017
VCity Userpic

Prefer braless of course, your beautiful breasts and amazing areola should always be free. Mystery- I do most of my travel because women and couples are donating to obtain my services, as part of our arrangements it is required that I preserve their anonimnity. I can't have pictures of my cock all over the internet.

flag as inappropriate Roverlander    July 29, 2017

Gdsy from outback NSW Australia. You're my favorite bloggers. Great ideas mmmm. Thank you lady

 Madame M. & W.    July 29, 2017
VCity Userpic

Thank You,Mr.Unknown

flag as inappropriate G-Stringer    July 24, 2017
VCity Userpic

Danke für die Antwort. Bei Exi Sex habe ich exhibitionistisch abgekürzt. Meine Fotos mache ich mit Selbstauslöser und Stativ, nutze dazu gern Hotelaufenthalte.
Weiter viel geilen Spass beim Sex !!!

flag as inappropriate G-Stringer    July 23, 2017
VCity Userpic

Madam M, Du bist wirklich der geile Wahnsinn. Es macht immer großen Spass, sich von Deinen Fotos anregen zu lassen. Die wenigen Fotos von Deinem Mann sind ebenfalls sehr anregend, er muss sich wirklich nicht verstecken!! Es lebe der Exi Sex! Geile grüße von G-Stringer

 Madame M. & W.    July 24, 2017
VCity Userpic

Thank for the compliments to both of us!
But what is Exi Sex?

flag as inappropriate Nightcrawler    July 17, 2017

One day I have to get to Germany and hopefully I can be lucky enough to be part of your Games. If you ever visit the U.S. (california) you have a deidcated fan ready to greet you :)

flag as inappropriate rppena123    June 20, 2017


flag as inappropriate Danothemano    June 10, 2017
VCity Userpic

Love the "morning after" shot of your pussy -- yummy!

 Madame M.    June 10, 2017
VCity Userpic

Thank You, Mr.Unknown!
Lover of all Women.

flag as inappropriate alfons    April 7, 2017
VCity Userpic

...and I like/love your awesome body Madame X!!!!

flag as inappropriate alfons    April 4, 2017
VCity Userpic

From limited opportunities my chosen ones are now on my favourites page - check them out to see what my taste of you is like. I know there are lots more I could use, but as a late cummer I cunt pick and choose like I would like to. there will be many more to drool over won't there sweet lady.

 Madame M.    April 4, 2017
VCity Userpic

I like Your compliments,Alfons!

flag as inappropriate leigh    Jan. 16, 2017
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I so hope your in the uk. Im in cardiff leighanne

flag as inappropriateukbanger    Jan. 8, 2017
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So, you are the only voter, contact me when able to show you the winner (#1 girl), as the only voter, you are the only one who gets to see her ;)

flag as inappropriateukbanger    Jan. 8, 2017
VCity Userpic

Looks like you are the only one voting and commenting on my ¨vote to expose¨ poll. If that continues, I will contact you here to show lady #1 on flickr ok?

flag as inappropriate interested38ddd    Dec. 10, 2016

Very Sexy couple, Have our interest ❤❤❤

flag as inappropriate hobbyskipper    Dec. 5, 2016
VCity Userpic

Atemberaubende Darstellungen !
Danke für eure Bilder.
Was würde ich dafür geben dabei zu sein.

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 5, 2016
VCity Userpic

Vielleicht brauchen wir wirklich mal einen Skipper......

flag as inappropriate Hot German Girly    Nov. 14, 2016

Hallo Ihr Lieben, Eure Videos sind entgeil wow ich hoffe das wenn ich auch schon so lange mit meinem Schatz zusammen bin auch nich so geil sein werde ich mag euch Bussi Luisa

 Madame M. & W.    Nov. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Wir sind jetzt 40 Jahre verheiratet und es ist mindestens so geil wie am Anfang

flag as inappropriate NP    Oct. 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Thank you for sharing all beautiful pics I and my husband love looking. You are beautiful and very sensual. I like seeing you sharing your pleasure with man and woman Thank you

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

You both are a extraordinary couple and we like to communicate with You!

flag as inappropriate NP    Oct. 21, 2016
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Thank you it is a pleasure

flag as inappropriate Bad Boy 69 & Bad Girl    Sept. 20, 2016
VCity Userpic

I love your blog, your pics and posts always turn me on, it looks like a very exciting life, BG xx

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Yes we try to live our life in erotic being together and with others.

flag as inappropriate Danothemano    Sept. 8, 2016
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Your body is looking very delicious in the hot tub photos. If you've been working out, it shows. I look forward to seeing more.

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 9, 2016
VCity Userpic

Thank You,Mr.Unknown!

flag as inappropriate buckaroo    Aug. 31, 2016
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Appreciate licking the latest cock peek photo that quickly disappeared !!

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 31, 2016
VCity Userpic

Why did this pic disappear?

flag as inappropriate buckaroo    Aug. 31, 2016
VCity Userpic

It seems that Igor has a cock phobia so soon or immediately after they get posted, they are removed from the main page. It would seem to me that if there was a specific location where they could be sent, the woman who gladly provide naked photos could go to that location to lick the male entries and maybe some more of the guys with blogs that never post anything would start submitting photos of themselves.

flag as inappropriate buckaroo    Aug. 31, 2016
VCity Userpic

Thank you kindly for licking my cock and nylon photo. Your lovely naked body keeps me hard !! Thanks for sharing your adventures.

flag as inappropriate Ricroc & Roxy,    Aug. 1, 2016
VCity Userpic

Hi baby! Thx for all the licks and making it into ur faves makes me hot & wet! Ooh baby, Roxy

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 1, 2016
VCity Userpic

We like to have a look into Your erotic adventures and sex life!
Go on!

flag as inappropriate elguiyo69    July 22, 2016

Hola amigos. Los acabo de encontrar por aquí. Saludos desde Concordia, Argentina. Siempre los recuerdo con mucho afecto y me alegra mucho saber que están bien. Además, el sólo hecho de haber visto una de las fotos tomadas en mi querida ciudad, me da a entender que su visita fue merecedora de un recuerdo.
Besos. Guillermo.
Hello friends. The just I found here. Greetings from Concordia, Argentina. I always remember with great affection and I am very happy to know they're okay. In addition, the mere fact of having seen one of the photos taken in my beloved city, I implied that his visit was worthy of a memory.

 Madame M. & W.    July 23, 2016
VCity Userpic

Thank You,Guillermo!
Yes,we also have good feelings about You and our visit at Concordia!
And it was good for You,and Your partnership!

flag as inappropriate Marco08r    July 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Hi Madame M
I want to cum all over your body and many times inside you ... to the last drop

 Madame M.    July 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Marco,You're welcome!

flag as inappropriate Badgirltua    July 16, 2016
VCity Userpic

Sorry can't pm now as not paid in this name .. I worry I was doing stuff to bad before so trying do less .. Thank s you welcome me back

flag as inappropriate Sandman1002    June 17, 2016
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Definite would love to follow you anywhere you want!

 Madame M. & W.    June 17, 2016
VCity Userpic

That´s really a great compliment!

flag as inappropriate marabu    June 7, 2016
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We sent you a mail...gelreven

flag as inappropriate marabu    June 3, 2016
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The best couple and photos on this site

flag as inappropriate proud hubby    May 25, 2016

Would love your comments on my wife pics

flag as inappropriate Summer    April 30, 2016
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Love... this nautirst foto from balcony is for YOU:)

Kisss kisss

 Madame M.    April 30, 2016
VCity Userpic

Thank´s for this rel compliment to me!

flag as inappropriate Summer    April 30, 2016
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You make me horny all time.. specialy your sunbathing fotos.. and outdore... LOVE YOU Madam...

flag as inappropriate SoDamnHorney    April 10, 2016
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Madame M do you do email we could have some interesting conversations if you do email me

flag as inappropriate PDV    April 2, 2016
VCity Userpic

I fantasize about me – and a friend – absolutely taming you in a frenzy of deep, intense sex – while your husband watches and listens to your shrieks and howls of pleasure.

 Madame M.    April 2, 2016
VCity Userpic

I like Your fantasies!

flag as inappropriate PDV    April 2, 2016
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Have you been taken by more than one guy in the same sex session? You seem like a woman with an unbelievable appetite for sex.

 Madame M.    April 2, 2016
VCity Userpic

All we do,we do it together!
Day and night.
Buisiness,family and sex.
The best finish is a Dp.
We call it Sandwich!
If not,the last sex is with huby!!

flag as inappropriatestagman    April 2, 2016

Your pictures are such a turn on, love the "Outdoor date" pic, whata dirty girl you are!!!!
Thank you for posting and making a old man hard.

 Madame M.    April 2, 2016
VCity Userpic

In fact I´m not holy and not dirty!
I´m a wife in love with huby since more than 40 Years!

flag as inappropriate jhoppy    March 26, 2016
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In now a follower cause you are gorgeous and your videos are great , they really turn me on

 Madame M.    March 26, 2016
VCity Userpic

You're welcome!
Life is Eros!

flag as inappropriate Brazilian Boy    March 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Madame M. I can't answer you on privet massege because i'm not V Resident
I'm very happy you like my comments.

can you send me an e-mail at:

i have some tributes to send to you!!!



flag as inappropriate Stugotz    March 18, 2016

I absolutely love your "oldies" pics... you remind me of my HS GF, who was also my first fuck... lovely tender breasts, big smile, long legs, and a bush that made me forever a hairy pussy fan. I would love to rub my face in your bush and lick and suck you

 Madame M.    March 18, 2016
VCity Userpic

I like Your compliments!

flag as inappropriate Stugotz    March 18, 2016

I would love to whisper my compliments to you with my face down between your lovely thighs, or as you ride me and lower your breasts down to my face

 Madame M.    March 18, 2016
VCity Userpic

I love it!

flag as inappropriate Stugotz    March 18, 2016

If I was with you right now, I would be tasting your wet pussy and sliding my tongue deep inside you while I listen to you breathe. Would you tell me how to please you? Or would you just let me find the way...?

flag as inappropriate jannis    March 8, 2016

My dear M ,the swinger convention i told you about in Crete wil be held from 17 october until 23 october and SDC is the tour operator

flag as inappropriate Beth    March 7, 2016
VCity Userpic

Danke for the lick Werner, danke. oxoxo Beth

flag as inappropriate Hank Pivnik    March 7, 2016

Your new profile picture is fantastic, as are you!

 Madame M.    March 7, 2016
VCity Userpic

It is brand new.
From last week!
Thank You,Hank!

flag as inappropriate MilanBg    March 6, 2016
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CRAZY hot profile foto... love your nude sexy beach... kiss

flag as inappropriate Beth    Feb. 25, 2016
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And thanks again for your appreciation of Good Vibrations. Beth

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 26, 2016
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Just now we are on holidays at the Seychelles.

flag as inappropriate Beth    Feb. 14, 2016
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Werner, thanks for the Valentine lick. You are such a good sex friend. :-)

 W.    Feb. 14, 2016
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Thank You,Beth!

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Feb. 14, 2016
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Yes I have sex other girls I do enjoy their touch very much .. No not get jealous and he or I not say no yet .. He only want I be careful and stay clean .. The men and girls at the club place all got medicals

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Yes he is behind me with wishes but if he say no I not do .. At moment he not see others except the girls when he come here and I'm with him .. I say he can but he not get much time alone to meet any

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

And You also with sex with other women?
If You say no,he also don´t do it?
Are You jealous?

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Sorry I did not mean I think you want sex with me ... I mean the people at club where I went for most adventures .
I know we are thousands of miles apart haha .. English not my first language too.
Great you have man to share wife and all happy , once husband live here we will decide what we do if anything ... I just worry as he not here and others may try treat me as a toy

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Yes,You have to take care of You!
But You know Your husband is behind You!
And he also has sexual adventures with other women?

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Nice you have a strong marriage and trust .. We are new married but he not live with me that is the worry ... I only do as we agree or if he say do something .. I not want anyone here know or think they can just sex me when they want ... It will
Only be when I want and husband agree

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

We like Your position!
We like Your communication!
We are Germans,excuse our bad English.
Of course we don´t want to have sex with You.
We are living in Germany and Margit is very jeaulous!
With another man is is great for both of us.
With another woman it is terrible for Margit.
So we only have erotic adventures with other men.
W. can picture Margit having sex with strangers and sometimes at the end we have a DP.

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Husband said it must be open no secrets , when we talk it's like both doing as it exite him to .. Yes I like the intimate chat .. Thanks .. Lovely you both like what you doing

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Your husband is absolutly right!
No secrets.
This is the basic of an deep partnership.
We don´t publish a lot of pics here,because even in V-Residents thousands of people see it.
In the private message or e-mail only we and You can see it.

We are married a very long time and we have sex nearly every day.
And perhaps one time a week,we invite a man to have a threesome.....MFM.


flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

Sorry can't pm back , yes lot of love .. As he has much experience and I had none he understands I am curious , I had never thought of sex before last year .. We meet , we talk about all sex and watch films of sex and I got over exited and act out my naughty dreams .. But it do not stop me love him only , we always talk before I do anything , if he not like I not do

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 14, 2016
VCity Userpic

If Your are in love and intensive communication,everything can happen
You are one.
In our pics and videos You can think that M. has sex with a lot of men and women.
Infact it is our game.
If You like we can write more intimate directly:

flag as inappropriate Binxb99    Feb. 12, 2016

Asked before, but I'll ask again: Who is that delicious blonde??

ALSO: How about of Deby doing someone else??

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 12, 2016
VCity Userpic

She is a friend of us.
But in the last time,without sex.
We don´t understand Your second question!

flag as inappropriate Aussie roo    Feb. 3, 2016
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Love your blog am now a follower would love you to follow me if you like my blog :-) thank you

flag as inappropriate Bad Boy & Bad Girl 2016    Feb. 12, 2016
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flag as inappropriate Ellie & Ste    Jan. 30, 2016
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Such a sexy lady such a hot blog

 Madame M.    Jan. 30, 2016
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Life is Eros!

flag as inappropriate Bad Boy & Bad Girl 2016    Jan. 28, 2016
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do you like my new pics...........(me like a dog)

bad girl

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 29, 2016
VCity Userpic

There is only one pic from You?

flag as inappropriate Bad Boy & Bad Girl 2016    Feb. 12, 2016
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xxx...............soon new pics

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 22, 2016
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Visita me

 Madame M.    Jan. 22, 2016
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Where are You living in Italy?
Perhaps we come and vistit You this Year?

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 22, 2016
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i live in Tuscany........Scansano........

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 22, 2016
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visit my blog babe......comment my cock

 Madame M.    Jan. 22, 2016
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Our Swiss friends are living near Roccalbegna.
We love Saturnia at night.....

 Madame M.    Jan. 22, 2016
VCity Userpic

Your cock in an invitation for all women at VC.

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 23, 2016
VCity Userpic

saturnia parking................godd for fuck

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 23, 2016
VCity Userpic

comment on my pics.............please

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 23, 2016
VCity Userpic

Saturnia in the hot water at night.
Just before the cascade.
Very erotic.

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 25, 2016
VCity Userpic

yessssssssssssssssssssss...................first bj.............pussy fuck.............asshole fuck................bukkake

 Madame M.    Jan. 25, 2016
VCity Userpic

You want all!
Perhaps too much for me,

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 26, 2016
VCity Userpic

you are the best fuck milf...............

 Madame M.    Jan. 26, 2016
VCity Userpic

I like Your roses!

flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 29, 2016
VCity Userpic


flag as inappropriate Amante Italiano    Jan. 22, 2016
VCity Userpic

i love you babe

 Madame M.    Jan. 22, 2016
VCity Userpic

Thank You!

flag as inappropriate K69    Jan. 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Tnx so much for apreciation of my poor "work"! All my photos are from romanian beaches at Black Sea seaside.

 Madame M.    Jan. 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Not Pool!
The beach looks like the Atlantic Coast of France!

 Madame M.    Jan. 21, 2016
VCity Userpic

Not poor!

flag as inappropriate secretgun    Jan. 9, 2016
VCity Userpic

Oh, my god! Do you realize that by now you have probably caused millions of erections and you could probably swim in a pool filled with cum that has been shed because of you! Keep us coming, please.

You are gorgeous!

 Madame M.    Jan. 9, 2016
VCity Userpic

I like it!
You´re welcome!

flag as inappropriate K69    Jan. 7, 2016
VCity Userpic

U r too sweet as usual! Tnx very much again! Wish u one very good 2016 with very very much LOVE! ;) Kisses!

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 7, 2016
VCity Userpic

We try to make love every day.
Only we two.
And somtimes we invite am man.

Every day we eat at home.
Sometimes we visit a restaurant for new experiences!

You have You own Art in voyeuristic Pics!
Because You´re a woman!


flag as inappropriate proud hubby    Jan. 6, 2016

I can't send private messages. Please comment on her pics

flag as inappropriate proud hubby    Jan. 6, 2016

I would love your comments on my wife pics

flag as inappropriate Barbarella sweet ass    Jan. 3, 2016
VCity Userpic

sounds so good for us... but how?

flag as inappropriate jeep#4    Jan. 3, 2016
VCity Userpic!!!

flag as inappropriateMirella    Jan. 1, 2016
VCity Userpic

Frohes Neues Jahr an beiden und wünschen Ihnen alles Gute in Ihrem Leben im Jahr 2016! Mirella xXx

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 1, 2016
VCity Userpic

Das ist aber ein unerwarteter und herzlicher Gruß von Dir,Mirella!
Wir wünschen auch Dir ein sinnlich erotisches und spannendes 2016!

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Dec. 26, 2015
VCity Userpic

I just not sure I should have done all I do ... He ok for it but now in head feel I was wrong doing but I did enjoy all that happen to me .. Being his sex slave is good I know that

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Dec. 26, 2015
VCity Userpic

Oh thank you .. It's new to
Me since wedding in une and I just get to exited haha .. I not so bad now as done much .. I really wish to be like a sex slave to husband and do all his wishes .. That exite me so much ... I worry I been to bad really haha

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 26, 2015
VCity Userpic

Why should You be bad?
You love him and You want to be his sex slave!
That is true and pure life!

flag as inappropriate Fun girl 2    Dec. 26, 2015
VCity Userpic

Great nipples ! Thanks for licking me

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 26, 2015
VCity Userpic

We like Your communication!
We like Your erotic life!
And Yo are very beautiful!

flag as inappropriate PDV    Dec. 4, 2015
VCity Userpic

My fantasy is to spy on you being fucked in a field by another guy. And then, just as his finished, to walk up to the two of you. He would try to get me to walk on, but I'd be so horny, that I'd take out my cock and start stroking it ... until I can see the hunger growing in your eyes. You'd say to your partner, "Okay, I'll catch up with you later", and he'd reluctantly move off. And then you'd smile and say to me, "Come here, I want to be fucked like a horse....

 Madame M.    Dec. 4, 2015
VCity Userpic

I like Your fantasy......

flag as inappropriate PDV    Dec. 4, 2015
VCity Userpic

The more I look at you, the more I imagine exploring every inch of your body with my hands and fingers, lips and tongue. And as I get harder and harder and hungrier and hungrier, I can imagine your lips around my cock ... sucking and licking and nibbling my balls ... until I lose control completely.

 Madame M.    Dec. 4, 2015
VCity Userpic

I like Your passion....

flag as inappropriate Pearl.    Nov. 23, 2015
VCity Userpic

Hi! Thanks for your comment on me wearing that see thru top to our restaurant.I have a few revealing ones I like to wear when we go there and the reaction of most men when we make our way to our favorite spot right at the far end is very flattering!Hubby looks the other way pretending nothing is going on giving the guys chance to show their appreciation clearly! My hubby sent you a reply email.Did you get it?He has much more and better pics and videos lined up to send you if you want him to.

flag as inappropriate Digger    Nov. 22, 2015
VCity Userpic

I have sent you an email with sample pics.Please have a look.Thank you very much.

flag as inappropriate Digger    Nov. 22, 2015
VCity Userpic

Hi.Its so sad I'm not able to see all of your photos in your blog!But I thank you for the ones I can see.You are a very beautiful and sexy woman.Your husband is a very lucky man to have you for his wife!We also did some threesomes a few years ago with another friend (male) and my wife also loved it.It was am awesome experience as the man to see another man inside your wife and to see and hear your wife enjoy him so much!He didn't want me to take any photos or video them for fear of his identity,but I took many photos with my mobile phone without him knowing while he was busy with my wife.If you want to see them I can email them to you.I made two video clips also in bad light.My email is digger You are one beautiful woman!!I wish I could see more of you and of you with your friend.

flag as inappropriate Binxb99    Nov. 20, 2015

Love to see more of you, though there's really al that much more to see, (Of course, I'd love to fuck you but so would eveyone else here..... AND, who is that blonde and where can I find her.... threesome??

 Madame M.    Nov. 20, 2015
VCity Userpic

I love threesomes!
We huby and another man!
The easy for me.
And we can go on the whole night!
We another woman it is not so easy!
I´m jealous!

flag as inappropriate Binxb99    Nov. 25, 2015

... Merci bien,,,mais: Who is the blonde??? (I would love to fuck you alone, too, tu sais...

 Madame M.    Nov. 26, 2015
VCity Userpic

The blonde woman was a friend of us.
I don´t know what she is doing now.
She is married.

flag as inappropriate jack59    Nov. 5, 2015
VCity Userpic

Hallo M. , Dein neues Profilbild ist sehr verführerisch...das tief dekolletierte Shirt, das so viel von Deinen Titten preis gibt...ohne das sie nackt sind.... der kurze Rock...der Deine Schenkel zur wahren Pracht erscheinen lässt....und der Blick auf deine nackte Fotze..die man auch hier nur erahnen kann....

 Madame M. & W.    Nov. 5, 2015
VCity Userpic

Danke für die Blumen.
Wurde in einem Restaurant im Freien in Frankreich fotografiert!

flag as inappropriate jack59    Nov. 5, 2015
VCity Userpic

das wurde selbst das Essen zur Nebensache.... ;-) ...hocherotisches Bild.

 Madame M. & W.    Nov. 5, 2015
VCity Userpic

Der Aperitif!


flag as inappropriate jack59    Nov. 6, 2015
VCity Userpic

oh ja,... scharfe Vorstellung vor dem Essen M`s heiße Möse zu lecken...während M dazu ein kühles Glas Champagner genießt ;-) J

flag as inappropriate Bad Boy    Oct. 29, 2015
VCity Userpic

...grazie a te che sei la mia musa ispiratrice..............

bad boy

flag as inappropriate Bad Girl from Italy    Oct. 23, 2015
VCity Userpic

why only for resident?????

flag as inappropriate Bad Girl from Italy    Oct. 23, 2015
VCity Userpic

my pic for me!!!! Please

bad boy..................

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 23, 2015
VCity Userpic

Because we don't want to have problems with the Roman Police.

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 23, 2015
VCity Userpic

The pics are for You, both!

flag as inappropriate Bad Girl from Italy    Oct. 23, 2015
VCity Userpic

please send me in private

flag as inappropriate SirArthur    Oct. 17, 2015

Thanks for the messages and the attention that you give to us. I can't reply you via private because I'm not VR, so I wanted to say that yeah, that mixture of young boy and stunning milf would be hot as hell. Nearly like a bomb... a bomb of pleasure of course! What more can I say M? Love your posts and pics, and your messages (those ones turn me on a lot) ;) XOXO

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    Oct. 10, 2015

My cock is so hard for you!!!

 Madame M.    Oct. 10, 2015
VCity Userpic

All Your blood is in Your cock!
Be careful!

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    Oct. 11, 2015

Are you horny honey?

flag as inappropriate jack59    Oct. 7, 2015
VCity Userpic

Hallo Madame M....Das kann ich leider nur hier machen.... wir sind glücklich verheiratet und 55 u 48 Jahre alt... mögen beide sehr gerne dirty talk und geilen uns sehr gerne an Bildern und Filmen auf...die Personen wir dann auch gedanklich in unser Sexleben realen Treffen sind wir nicht interessiert (also Swingerclub etc ) wenn es sich allerdings zufällig ergibt dann ist es etwas anderes...Meine Frau ist bi und mag frauliche Frauen...

flag as inappropriate oneeyedworm    Sept. 11, 2015

thanks for your PM to us. Since we are not VR, we can't PM you.

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 11, 2015
VCity Userpic

If You like to share more intimicy with us,we´ll sent You our private mail adress!

flag as inappropriate oneeyedworm    Sept. 11, 2015

Thank you, but for now we will just share via the site.

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 11, 2015
VCity Userpic

We can understand You.

flag as inappropriate Bad Girl from Italy    Sept. 7, 2015
VCity Userpic

we are like you MM..................

flag as inappropriate white devil    Aug. 10, 2015

Check your email please

flag as inappropriate white devil    Aug. 10, 2015

What's your email and I'll share pics of me and the wife

flag as inappropriate Weinbau    Aug. 9, 2015

Hallo ihr beiden, heiße Bilder. Vor allem die Bilder im Wald sind scharf... Mag dein Partner String? Seht jedenfalls so aus....Wunderschön sieht man viel zu selten.Und du am Baum dazu......spritz

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 9, 2015
VCity Userpic

Danke für Deine Komplimente! Es war ein heisser Quicky mit unserem Hausfrauen!

 Madame M. & W.    Aug. 9, 2015
VCity Userpic

Wenn mann Weinbau heißt, dann lebt Mann

flag as inappropriate Weinbau    Aug. 10, 2015

Ja das stimmt, draußen bin ich fast jeden Tag. Gerne auch mal nur im String....Quickie im Freien geht immer

flag as inappropriateCanGal    July 23, 2015

Love your blog and your pics! Check out mine too and "lick" if you like!

flag as inappropriate oneeyedworm    July 16, 2015

Thank you for your PM! So nice to hear from you!

flag as inappropriate Brazilian Boy    June 18, 2015
VCity Userpic

hi Madame M. i'm a huge fan of hairy pussy!!! do you have more pics of you with hairy pussy?
if you do please send me at:

i will make lots of tributes to you!! what do you think about it?


 Madame M. & W.    June 19, 2015
VCity Userpic

We´ll sent Your some pics with an hairy Pussy of M.

flag as inappropriate Brazilian Boy    June 19, 2015
VCity Userpic

Thank you very much M. i will be very very happy to send you some tributes!!!



flag as inappropriate jeep#1    May 14, 2015

I posted on my blog!!!

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    May 13, 2015

Any Fucking photos to post M???

 Madame M. & W.    May 13, 2015
VCity Userpic

we have a lot.....much more then we can publish!

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    May 13, 2015

I want to see you getting a stiff cock up your hot sexy pussy!!!

 Madame M. & W.    May 13, 2015
VCity Userpic

The next pic is for You!

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    May 13, 2015

My cock is in my hand ready to stroke to you! !!

 Madame M.    May 13, 2015
VCity Userpic

Do You likfe this position?

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    May 13, 2015

Mmmm! Yes...very hot!

flag as inappropriate cesarito    May 4, 2015

Earned excite with tis orgasms and your beauty ....
as I would like fucking you ¡
I have my hard sex .... I'll have to jerk off your fault
kisses and orgasms

 Madame M.    May 4, 2015
VCity Userpic

I like Your comment,Mr.Unknown!

flag as inappropriate cesarito    May 5, 2015

that is arranged very easy ... know us
What do you say?
A lovely kiss

 Madame M.    May 6, 2015
VCity Userpic

We know You?

flag as inappropriate cesarito    May 6, 2015

no. I mean ... we could meet and maybe ... why not?

 Madame M.    May 6, 2015
VCity Userpic

what do you think,how this works?

flag as inappropriate cesarito    May 7, 2015

you call me...and i go...
very simple

 Madame M.    May 7, 2015
VCity Userpic

but the disttance is too big!

flag as inappropriate cesarito    May 8, 2015

yes it 's true ....
but I know get to you somehow ....
I can.

flag as inappropriate Stevie And Tusk    April 25, 2015

Hello,we are Stevie,and Tusk. Love your photos and blog. I love your tits,and smile in a few. Stevie is just opening up to different ideas. We took photos for years before she let me post. Any way,we bought a 37 ft.camper few years back and love being nude inside. But we are going for 4 days next month to a all nude TV camping on south east coast. We're excited,yet not knowing. But they are so nice about someone available if questions. Love your shots can't wait to see more ☺️

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    April 24, 2015

Follow me madame to make an even 100!!!

 Madame M.    April 24, 2015
VCity Userpic

I´m Your 100!

flag as inappropriate jeep#1    April 24, 2015

Mmmm!!!!! Danke

flag as inappropriate The Barbarian    April 13, 2015
VCity Userpic

I am glad that you appreciate the miai comments, thanks for your sensuality! :-D XOXO

flag as inappropriate Biologe    April 12, 2015
VCity Userpic

Danke das wir an Eurem Sexleben ein bischen teilhaben dürfen. Madam M ist sehr sexy und so schön hemmungslos. Die Brüste die Muschi und der Po mach mein Schwanz immer wieder hart. Gruss aus der Schweiz

flag as inappropriate 1 Big Daddy    April 12, 2015

Amazing Tits!

 Madame M. & W.    April 12, 2015
VCity Userpic

Thank You!
Your pleasure and Your passion are tits,exspecially big tits!
And You like mine!
We are follwing You!

flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    April 8, 2015

i have a pic for you

visit my last pic

hello my babe.......i'm near rome now

 Madame M.    April 8, 2015
VCity Userpic

end of July,we´ll be near Rome......

flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    April 8, 2015

ok.............i'm ready

flag as inappropriate jannis    April 6, 2015

AMAZING couple with an amazing blog!!!!
Thanks for following me!

flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    March 25, 2015

do you like my cock......visit me

Mr Erotic

 Madame M.    March 29, 2015
VCity Userpic

I like,but there are only 2-3 pics......I follow You!

flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    March 30, 2015

soon pics......follow me

flag as inappropriate Fabio GD    March 17, 2015

Admirable couple.
I specially enjoy everything related to Madam M, but the truth is that there amazingly human couple accomplishments belong to you two. From my humble home in southern east Mexico, I can only express my admiration and tribute to what you achieved in your life. This is most healthy way to enjoy life. You are not “normal” because you are healthy people. I admire and I tried to have same lifestyle with my wonderful wife (a real partner in every aspect of life).
Please keep posting as much as possible, you certainly make our life more meaningful and enjoyable. What a world we could have y just one part of human kind (1 out of every 5, or 25%) would behave according to your beautiful and very human precepts.
Thank you for all the placer you have given to all us during these years.
My wife joins me to patent our Admiration, love and respect to you!
Tony & Fabio,.

flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    March 30, 2015


flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    March 16, 2015


we follow you now

 Madame M. & W.    March 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

We think You know a lot about Erotic&Passion!
So we have to follow You also!
Let´s start the game!

flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    March 16, 2015

do you like pussy?

 Madame M. & W.    March 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

We like how a couple creates and desgned themself!
In the outfit,in the erotic and in their games.
Original Nylons around a pussy is great!

flag as inappropriate Erotic & Passion    March 16, 2015

.............we love your smile

flag as inappropriateStillHot&Hungry    March 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

Morning (at least where I am) ...glad you liked my new posts...I'm still having problems responding individually, but I wanted to thank you personally. Have a great day!

 Madame M. & W.    March 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

Here in Germany it is 6h in the morning!
We like Your pics and erotic life!

flag as inappropriateStillHot&Hungry    March 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

I think we're almost in the same time zone... and once again, thanks!

flag as inappropriate BadGirl & BadBoy the originals    March 15, 2015

ok.......i'm waiting..........


flag as inappropriate BadGirl & BadBoy the originals    March 15, 2015

remember kisses on your pussy

flag as inappropriate Bonezz    March 14, 2015

More tango sex

flag as inappropriate Mika    Feb. 25, 2015
VCity Userpic

Great to meet you. Love your adventures!

 Madame M.    Feb. 25, 2015
VCity Userpic

We have the same passions than You, both

flag as inappropriate Mika    Feb. 25, 2015
VCity Userpic

We agree! It's wonderful to know that you understand our pleasures!

flag as inappropriate LuckyII    Jan. 26, 2015

Looks like you have a great and fun relationship. Like your smile and approach to the photos.

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 27, 2015
VCity Userpic

you are right.
We´ll married more tha 30 Years and love us more and more!

flag as inappropriate brassy    Jan. 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

I love your lifestyle wish I could do that with wifey

flag as inappropriate brassy    Jan. 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

Was he good size did you suck him too if I was hubby it would have been all 3 sucking and fucking each other but I'm bi

 Madame M.    Jan. 16, 2015
VCity Userpic

sometimes I like these games also....

flag as inappropriate evilsinner    Jan. 10, 2015

Your blog is always so hot and such a turn on as you are, so beautiful and sexy, thanks for always making me hard your husband and lovers are very lucky please keep it up so to speek.

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 10, 2015
VCity Userpic

Thank You for Your great compliment!

flag as inappropriate twengy    Jan. 7, 2015
VCity Userpic

Danke für die geilen Bilder. Tolles piercing da möchte man gleich mit der Zunge dran spielen.

 Madame M.    Jan. 7, 2015
VCity Userpic

You´re wecome....

flag as inappropriate capailldubh    Jan. 1, 2015

Very sexy woman, greetings from Ireland

 Madame M.    Jan. 1, 2015
VCity Userpic

Thank You.Mr. Unknown!

flag as inappropriate Marco08r    Jan. 1, 2015
VCity Userpic

I'm here ... you are an amazing woman!! wishes for a happy and peaceful 2015

 Madame M.    Jan. 1, 2015
VCity Userpic

Thank You Marco!
It is my life with my husband!
We like it,both!

flag as inappropriate XCRAM    Jan. 1, 2015

Ihr seid echt ein unglaublich scharfes, hemmungsloses Paar. Vielen Dank für eure immer wieder irrsinnig anheizenden, sexy Fotos und Videos. Ich würde zu gerne deine großen, prallen Brüste anfassen, Madame M. Dann fände ich es unglaublich geil, deine heiße Pussy zu küssen, zu fingern, sie an den geilen Ringen zu "öffnen" und anschließend deine feuchte Pussy mit einem Dildo und mit meinem harten Schwanz zu verwöhnen :-) ... Ich freue mich sehr auf weitere Fotos und Videos von euch. Ich persönlich fände Fotos von Madame M. in sehr laaangen Stiefeln superheiß. Küsse, XCRAM

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 1, 2015
VCity Userpic

Danke für Deine Komplimente !
Schön,dass diese auch in deutsch sind.

flag as inappropriateAna Latam    Dec. 30, 2014

Danke ihr beiden für eure Komplimente. Die kann ichnur zurückgeben. Ana

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 30, 2014
VCity Userpic

Das freut uns!

flag as inappropriate Horsey    Dec. 26, 2014
VCity Userpic

I love you sexy posts and desirable body.
I especially love you open approach to life and making every day an adventure of love and sexuality.

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 27, 2014
VCity Userpic

Life is Eros,if not it is not life!
Thank you,Jay!

flag as inappropriate tgirlie & PTguy    Dec. 25, 2014
VCity Userpic

Hello, thank you very much for your nice comments on our blog. We enjoy your blog very much and always look forward to checking in on your erotic adventures. You live an exciting sex life and we also try to keep our sex life exciting and adventurous. You are an inspiration to us. We would love to see and hear more about your adventures. Watching you is great foreplay for our sex lives.

 Madame M. & W.    Dec. 27, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thank You both!
We feel it that You are on the right way,that Your partnership,communication and love is growing up and up......
Go on your way together....

flag as inappropriate toplessbeacher    Dec. 21, 2014
VCity Userpic

Just have to follow your erotic adventures!! You seem to really have some exciting moments!! xoxo

flag as inappropriate Jamaicagene    Dec. 15, 2014

I think I want you!

flag as inappropriate claudio_co    Dec. 3, 2014

Dein Dankeschön hat mich sehr gefreut. Ich kann leider keine private messages schicken, daher hier. Du bist in der Tat die erotischste Lady vom ganzen Voyeurcloud! Ein Traum!

 Madame M.    Dec. 16, 2014
VCity Userpic

Das ist ein gewaltiges Kompliment!

flag as inappropriateMotorbiker    Nov. 29, 2014
VCity Userpic

Glad you are following us again x

flag as inappropriate evilsinner    Nov. 28, 2014

So sexy love the photo's of you with all the men, your a beautiful and sexy woman, would love to get on my knees for you.

 Madame M.    Nov. 29, 2014
VCity Userpic

Why not?

flag as inappropriate claudio_co    Nov. 25, 2014

die geilste frau

 Madame M.    Nov. 26, 2014
VCity Userpic

Danke für die Blumen!

flag as inappropriateMotorbiker    Nov. 22, 2014
VCity Userpic

Sorry that message was not for you. Seems it posted in the wrong place. It was meant for the Italian faker that has at least 10 different names on this site. We left the site due to him chasing us around with bad comments. Hope you realise who we are

 Madame M. & W.    Nov. 22, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thank You for Your answer!
We are a real couple!

flag as inappropriateMotorbiker    Nov. 22, 2014
VCity Userpic

Yes we know . Followed and Pm'd you . We may come back as residents one day x

flag as inappropriate n    Nov. 28, 2014


flag as inappropriateMotorbiker    Nov. 29, 2014
VCity Userpic

we are glad you are following us again x

flag as inappropriate n    Nov. 30, 2014


flag as inappropriateXXXtribe73    Nov. 5, 2014

Ein deutsches Paar muss man natürlich unterstützen :). Habe euch gerade zufällig entdeckt und mir einige eurer tollen Fotos angeschaut. Sind echt schön und scharf ;).

 Madame M. & W.    Nov. 6, 2014
VCity Userpic

Auch wir lieben es direkt in deutsch zu kommunizieren!
Danke für Deine Komplimente!

flag as inappropriate Metala    Nov. 5, 2014
VCity Userpic

Danke schön für eure Komplimente!! Freuen uns sehr darüber! :)

Eure Bilder sind auch sehr scharf, freuen uns auf mehr...

LG, Metala

flag as inappropriate franico85    Nov. 1, 2014
VCity Userpic

Hello lovely couple, compliments the rich blog! Very nice to see you have fun with sex toys. Kisses

 Madame M.    Nov. 1, 2014
VCity Userpic

A great compliment from You Franico!
Thank You!

flag as inappropriate Mr. TIMEHACKER69    Oct. 16, 2014

Thank you for your kind words about Little Fawn because of the wonderful things you said she is becoming more comfortable with her pictures being seen and realizing I not the only one that thinks she is sensual. .... hope to talk again soon

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 17, 2014
VCity Userpic

we think that You are an extraordinary couple!

flag as inappropriate marabu    Oct. 16, 2014
VCity Userpic

Superb blog,beautiful photos
huge and wet kiss ,

 Madame M. & W.    Oct. 17, 2014
VCity Userpic

Vera,we also love Your pics soo much!!
Where do You come from Europa?

flag as inappropriate Italian Gigolò    Oct. 13, 2014
VCity Userpic

my pics for dream

flag as inappropriate marabu    Oct. 18, 2014
VCity Userpic

Wwe are east-eurpeans:-)

flag as inappropriate Italian Gigolò    Oct. 18, 2014
VCity Userpic

.....sud of dream

flag as inappropriate Italian Gigolò    Oct. 8, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thak you for sharing, you are a amazing Lady

italian kisses

i follow you

 Madame M.    Oct. 8, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thanks a great compliment to me,from an Italian Gigolo

flag as inappropriate Italian Gigolò    Oct. 8, 2014
VCity Userpic

follow me................have you a request for some of my picture?

flag as inappropriate Italian Gigolò    Oct. 8, 2014
VCity Userpic

of course. I'm glad your intresting for me. Soon my pics for you my classy lady............follow me

italian kisses

flag as inappropriate I love shaved pussy    Sept. 27, 2014

You officially have a new follower..... Me!

flag as inappropriate I love shaved pussy    Sept. 28, 2014

my name is...................follow me babe..............soon...........

flag as inappropriate G-Stringer    Sept. 7, 2014
VCity Userpic

Toll und unglaublich geil Eure Fotos und Videos. Ich liebe solch wunderbar hemmungslose und exhibitionistische Frauen. Madam M. Dein Mann ist einerotischer Glückspilz!

flag as inappropriate Miss MILF Tbone    Sept. 6, 2014
VCity Userpic

Yes, we certainly do. Anal can be uncomfortable, but we never get tired of DV

we have the same passions! Margit&Werner

flag as inappropriate Rick    Sept. 1, 2014
VCity Userpic

Du bist sher shon. I don't remember German very well, LOL. I love your posts where your husband (I assume) watches you have sex with different men. I've only had the pleasure of watching my wife once and it was the greatist sexual experience of my life.

 Madame M.    Sept. 1, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thanks for Your great compliment!
I don´t prefer sex with other men!
But I enjoy it,because hubby loves it!
In fact it is a special part of our sexlife and partnership!

flag as inappropriate cosifantutte    Aug. 31, 2014
VCity Userpic

Ich liebe euren Blog.
Eure Geschichten machen mich immer geil und Margit ist eine schöne Frau.
Liebe Grüße

 Madame M. & W.    Sept. 1, 2014
VCity Userpic

In unserem blog kommt nur die oberste Spitze des Eisbergs......
Wir könnten hier viele Bücher schreiben...
Danke für Deine Hochachtung!

flag as inappropriate cosifantutte    Sept. 9, 2014
VCity Userpic

Ich würde sie lesen ;)

flag as inappropriate Franziska    July 30, 2014
VCity Userpic


flag as inappropriateShySexyFitMilf & HH    July 13, 2014

Your recent pics turned us onto your blog. What a find. Such a horny hot couple. We admire your boldness and willingness to share. Following you and looking forward to more.

flag as inappropriate jarli    July 13, 2014
VCity Userpic

your body so horny and beautifoul !! I like to lick your wet pussy ,you come in my mouth !!

 Madame M.    July 13, 2014
VCity Userpic


flag as inappropriate PJ.    July 11, 2014

A really excellent blog! Fantastic pics, you are both very lucky

 Madame M. & W.    July 11, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thank You for Your comment!
We also loke Your blog and we think You are also very lucky....

flag as inappropriate marabu    July 11, 2014
VCity Userpic

What a sexi attitude

lot of kiss

 Madame M. & W.    July 11, 2014
VCity Userpic

We also like Your pics and Your erotic life very much!!
From where do You come in Europe?

flag as inappropriate like.iron    July 6, 2014

Sounds like you had a lovely fun night - wish I'd have been there to share it!!! Very sexy! (Sorry can't PM - yet). xxx

 Madame M.    July 6, 2014
VCity Userpic

perhaps sometimes.......
like.iron is a nickname,that opens fantasies....

flag as inappropriate like.iron    July 6, 2014

Well, the nickname came for another reason, but I try to live up to it!!! Perhaps? Now I'd love to hear your fantasies...

 Madame M.    July 6, 2014
VCity Userpic

...I´m smiling!

flag as inappropriate like.iron    July 6, 2014

:-) Kisses for you xxx

flag as inappropriate AlwaysHard    July 6, 2014

You have awesome nipples!!

 Madame M.    July 6, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thank You,for Your intimate compliment!

flag as inappropriate carthago delenda est    July 4, 2014

Thanks for sharing your photos, it so wonderful to see your excitement and enjoyment

 Madame M. & W.    July 4, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thanks for You great compliment!

flag as inappropriate like.iron    July 4, 2014

Following you :-)

flag as inappropriate like.iron    July 4, 2014

M&W - many thanks for following us - and for sharing your sexuality and your openness. Kisses for you both from like.iron and JoSexy. (we can't PM - yet).

flag as inappropriate 946    June 19, 2014

I'm happy that I happened on to your blog. You're a truly lovely woman. I hope to see many, many more of your images, as they become available. You are superb.

flag as inappropriate Lea & Gabriel    May 23, 2014

"We like to follow You in Your erotic life and feel very near to You,both! Margit&Werner"

Thank you! We are followers of you now.

flag as inappropriateBad Girl    May 12, 2014
VCity Userpic

we follow you now


flag as inappropriateBad Boy From Italia & Bad Girl    May 29, 2014
VCity Userpic

we can't send private message...only receive........sorry

flag as inappropriate Bluerope    April 24, 2014

You have mastered the skill of letting go and submitting yourself in exotic thoughts and deeds. I congratulate you both for discovering the truest uplifting experience of total submission and respect for each other.

 Madame M. & W.    April 25, 2014
VCity Userpic

You know a lot of passion,deep feelings and intensive relationship (parship).
Thanks You for Your comment!

flag as inappropriate Horsey    April 21, 2014
VCity Userpic

Nur Gina geschrieben für Sie zu sehen!

flag as inappropriate Horsey    April 21, 2014
VCity Userpic

Happy to send pictures of us both.
We cannot access the private part here though.
I will post one online of Gina shortly. What do you want to see?
Our email is that works easier.

flag as inappropriate Horsey    April 18, 2014
VCity Userpic

Wir sind von Baden Baden und Stuttgart zu
Schön sie zu treffen und von so nah!

flag as inappropriate OSURE    April 13, 2014

Yes. Great Job. Come Back Soon. You Lucky Guy To Have Her. Till Next Set. ???

flag as inappropriate roma    March 31, 2014
VCity Userpic

Great Pics of a horny bavarian Lady.
Go on

 Madame M. & W.    March 31, 2014
VCity Userpic

Vielen Dank für Dein schönes Kompliment!

flag as inappropriatePurple helmet    March 19, 2014

I have joined your adventures

 Madame M.    March 19, 2014
VCity Userpic

You´re welcome!

flag as inappropriate Adriana    March 17, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thanks for coming to my blog :) Enjoy! Kisses, Adriana

flag as inappropriate playtime    March 2, 2014
VCity Userpic

Just want to say 'hi', You have a great blog and I have enjoyed your pics for some time now.,
Very nice., Hope to see you around.,,

 Madame M. & W.    March 2, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thanks for Your comment!
We like Your pics also very much!
Where are You coming from?

flag as inappropriate playtime    March 2, 2014
VCity Userpic

We're in NY. USA.
We'll keep
In Touch!!

flag as inappropriate maximus    Feb. 24, 2014
VCity Userpic

Sorry for replying here honey, because of not being Vresident can't reply with PVmessage :P
I'd love to show you more, just mail me your mail address ;)

flag as inappropriate tom-bones    Feb. 21, 2014
VCity Userpic

The new photos have me so hard; you two (or more) are leading an amazing sexual life, and I love getting to see!

 Madame M. & W.    Feb. 21, 2014
VCity Userpic

Live is Eros,if not it is not life!

flag as inappropriate Dkras    Feb. 3, 2014
VCity Userpic


flag as inappropriate Dkras    Feb. 3, 2014
VCity Userpic

Thanks my dearest for visiting my blog and sending sexy comments/ Sweet kisses, Vivienne

flag as inappropriate tom-bones    Jan. 27, 2014
VCity Userpic

Wonderful photos, great sex adventures, one of my favorites for a nice, long jack off session!

flag as inappropriate K69    Jan. 23, 2014
VCity Userpic

Tnx u very much for your kind words and comment at my poor work! Yours photos are great! ;)

 Madame M. & W.    Jan. 24, 2014
VCity Userpic

It is hard to picture situations,like You do!
And sometimes dangerous!
But You are a master in Your passion!

flag as inappropriate Anabelle    Dec. 11, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thank you Madam M. I so appreciate your kind words!
I am very proud of my sweet Anabelle and yes I do
enjoy showing her off! I am hoping she will give it another try and post again.

flag as inappropriate aquaman    Dec. 10, 2013

Madame M. your pictures are highly erotic and beautiful. It would be a wonderful experience to fuck you and have you handle my cock. Thanks for sharing the pictures & making my cock rock hard.

 Madame M.    Dec. 10, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks for Your nice compliment!

flag as inappropriate horney as hell    Dec. 9, 2013

awesome tits beautifull body would loved to FUCK you

 Madame M.    Dec. 9, 2013
VCity Userpic

You´re welcome.....

flag as inappropriate Sweet and Sexy    Nov. 27, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thank you for following me and commenting on my post. I a now following you too!

flag as inappropriate marabu    Nov. 5, 2013
VCity Userpic

Absolutelly lovely photos

 Madame M.    Nov. 6, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks for Your compliments!

flag as inappropriate tifone1    Oct. 25, 2013
VCity Userpic

Madame M sei estasiante vorrei essere li con te per leccarti bere tutti i tuoi umori e penetrarti ovunque. invece sono qui a masturbarmi guardando le foto di una donna ammaliante arrapante conturbante.
Madame M you are entrancing I will be there with you to lick drink all your moods and penetrate you anywhere. instead I'm here to masturbate looking at pictures of a woman bewitching horny disturbing.

 Madame M.    Oct. 27, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks for Your compliments.

flag as inappropriate Rod    Oct. 16, 2013
VCity Userpic

Love your body!! Incredibly sensuous, I'd love to ravish you

 Madame M.    Oct. 16, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks for Your roses!

 Madame M.    Oct. 27, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks,Mr. Unknown!

flag as inappropriate sr19782002    Sept. 9, 2013
VCity Userpic

I really love the steamy photos you have posted here! You have one incredibly hot, naked body! Wish I was one of the lucky guys in the photos who got the chance to fuck you! I think you're one of the sexiest women around! Love you MadameM!
Shawn (sr19782002

 Madame M.    Sept. 16, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thank You so much!!

flag as inappropriate A&J    July 28, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thank you for commenting we enjoy also..

flag as inappropriate evilsinner    July 10, 2013

Well Im sure your very well complemented because there must be a lot of erections because of you, lot and lots there goes mine again

flag as inappropriate geeke    July 9, 2013

i keep looking at your foto's and everytime i get realy hard. you are an amazing woman and i like looking at your tits and pussy. it looks great when you let those lucky guys lick and fuck you. i am a fan. xxx

flag as inappropriate evilsinner    July 8, 2013

So sexy that's twice now I have played with myself looking at your photo's, god you are a turn on, jealous of your hubby and lovers they are all very lucky. have to stop looking so the stiffness in my pants will go down, thanks for posting.

 Madame M.    July 9, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thank You very much for Your compliment!
Do You know,that this is the only true compliment for woman!
The erection!

flag as inappropriate Rick & Ash    July 8, 2013
VCity Userpic

You are incredible honey... Follow me please..

flag as inappropriate geeke    July 7, 2013

ps, i'm from belgium, so thats not far from where you live. ;-) xxx

flag as inappropriate geeke    July 7, 2013

wow, i have been following your contributions for several months now and i must say.... you are unbelieveable! i think you are a verry classy but extremely horny woman and i realy hope that one day you will answer this comment or maybe i realy get lucky and meet you... xxx

flag as inappropriate Rod    July 7, 2013
VCity Userpic

Love your looks and bod. Those big hanging tits are awesome

flag as inappropriate evilsinner    July 5, 2013

Thanks for all the photos, love watching you and your lovers, you are a incredibly sexy woman, thanks again now i think I have to go jack off looking at you, so SEXY !!

 Madame M.    July 5, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks that You understand us,You understand me!

flag as inappropriate fredsilverman221    June 23, 2013
VCity Userpic

Madame M I can not send PM as I am not full member. My email is Send me an email and I will send you a lot of pics and video of my wet pussy as well as pics of my husbands hard cock

flag as inappropriate Islander    June 7, 2013

Sweet Passion, my Dear M. Peace and lots of Kisses today!

flag as inappropriate Islander    June 6, 2013

Still dreaming of bending you over my chair overlooking the ocean and licking first, a lite touch of my finger exploring and deep suck of your sex, then slide in my thick cock deep....then when you have your first of many orgasms.....bang hard until-your nails make holes in the fabric of the chair....then........

 Madame M.    June 7, 2013
VCity Userpic

Your a master in Eros!

flag as inappropriate santa57    June 1, 2013

Loved your pics!!! Really enjoyed the stories of Madame M.!!!! She has a Great Sexy Body and looks like she truely has some very Sexy Fun!!!

flag as inappropriate SteveG    May 21, 2013

Madame M I would love to meet with you, to fuck you, to suck you, to taste you. You are such a sexy lady. xxx

 Madame M.    May 21, 2013
VCity Userpic

Perhaps sometimes.....
Thanks for Your compliments!

flag as inappropriate alvaromontoy@    May 16, 2013
VCity Userpic

Lovely lady I'm from Mexico, Mexico City, why did you ask? are you planning sometime soon a trip to Mexico?



flag as inappropriate hellomamma    May 8, 2013
VCity Userpic

Can you do a shoot just dedicated to showing off your lovely breast? Thank you in advance :)

flag as inappropriate hellomamma    May 16, 2013
VCity Userpic

I cannot message you back but the answer is yes that would be lovely :)

flag as inappropriate alvaromontoy@    May 8, 2013
VCity Userpic


I love you!, been a folower since the old days in VW, I remeber that post of you in the vineyards, uff!!
It's a shame that we are so far away! otherwise I would go to you in Germany!!


flag as inappropriate htdes    April 19, 2013
VCity Userpic

I've received your message but I'm not allowed to reply it.
I don't have VC status for that.

I'd love your to play with my cock.

flag as inappropriate Shy Milf    April 15, 2013
VCity Userpic

You're exquisite!

 Madame M.    April 16, 2013
VCity Userpic

We love Your life!
You are the same Woman like me!
100% woman!

flag as inappropriate hellomamma    April 4, 2013
VCity Userpic

very sexy and erotic thank you for sharing your lives... very gorgeous and amazing set of lovelies :)

flag as inappropriate oldnbald    April 3, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures. They are very, very sexy

flag as inappropriate SweetieLeta    April 2, 2013

Hello, what a nice attitude... Kisses SweetieLeta

 Madame M.    April 2, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks Leta!
We like Your pics!
We are now Your Follower!

flag as inappropriateMirella    March 29, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks Madame M. for following my personal erotic and artistic photoblog. I love your erotic adventures he... he... Love & Lust, Mirella xxx

flag as inappropriate tiloune    March 28, 2013

Heelo M.
Very nice your pics with your blackboy.He is a luckyman can taste your sweet pussy.You are too sensual lady.All about you is beautiful.I love.............

 Madame M.    March 29, 2013
VCity Userpic

Thanks you Tiloune!
A real and true compliment!

flag as inappropriate mangoexh    March 27, 2013
VCity Userpic

Madane vous etes tres belle un corp fantastique une femme sexsy sansuelle exhibitionist une femme de plaisir une dame extraordinaire

flag as inappropriate OO:)    Feb. 26, 2013

Compliments with your nice photo shoots. I see you like the nude / sex outside! Keep enyoing your life. Love peace & hapiness OO:)

flag as inappropriate adrian l.    Feb. 19, 2013
VCity Userpic

Wonderful Madame M, you know my eye is all over your pics!
Gorgeous...huge boobs...incredible nipples...great legs...round ass and sweet pussy....
My eyes are getting dizzy!

flag as inappropriate Steffen    Feb. 9, 2013
VCity Userpic

Moin aus der Schweiz wünsch euch eine schönes Wochenende

LG Steffen

 BavarianGames    Feb. 9, 2013
VCity Userpic

Wir sind noch eine Woche hier,dann 5 Wochen in Argentinien zum Tango tanzen und Mehr!

flag as inappropriateLampshade    Jan. 11, 2013

Madame M, I bet you are a super lover....kiss

 BavarianGames    Jan. 12, 2013
VCity Userpic

I try to do my best and as y_ou can see,ill enjoy it soo much!

flag as inappropriate hidef    Jan. 8, 2013

Madame m you are one woman that I would love to meet someday here in the States if you are ever around the Boston area drop me an email brianhidef

flag as inappropriate edwardx    Jan. 7, 2013
VCity Userpic

Please email us at edwardx2059x We want to see more and hear about your lovers.

flag as inappropriaterichard    Jan. 4, 2013

Madame are a classy fuck...and suck so me in the formal garden so I can stroke your petals....*

 BavarianGames    Jan. 5, 2013
VCity Userpic

Where are You coming from,Richard?

flag as inappropriate edwardx    Jan. 3, 2013
VCity Userpic

We love your photos every time. Such a sexy couple. Please post more with the story of Madame M.

 BavarianGames    Jan. 5, 2013
VCity Userpic

We think we are a couple loke You!
In intensive relationship und the same passion!
hubby of Madame M.

 BavarianGames    Dec. 31, 2012
VCity Userpic

We are open to communicate with You in our guestbook!
Madame M. + hubby.

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